Note: This is not a cricketing or sports article but in context to the greatest game we all play, the game of life.
A belated Valentines day article celebrating the spirit of love.
In a quickfix, on the go world where we seek fast internet, non corrupt government,fat salary packages and postgraduation admissions (Can't get that out of my head at the moment) we also tend to ask for a lot from our beloved.
No matter what the relationship our expectation of time, understanding in all relationships is very high mainly because we deserve it or so we think. And the moment a relationship starts carrying the weight of expectations it loses its flow and rhythm. While expectations natural and inevitable we do tend to lose out on some of the brighter things.
The most grievous of our problems is our penchant for making the other person 'better.' If thought about, most people we deeply love are 80% correct and 20% wrong. We are so focused on the 20% that we lose sight of the 80%. In a very su