Mercenaries of the Gods: Chronicle Two - Adventures
84 parti Completa Per adultiHey you. Yes, you! The Seer is looking for you again. What? Did you think that was the whole story? That was just part one of three. This is part two. At least concerning the Mercenaries. Anyway, this time the Seer has five stories for you this time. The first one is about Alan. He's talking to some cops about how he got his powers. It's a crazy story with a croc-clam and a Lord of Evil who isn't that bad of a dude really. In the second story, you find out what happen with Grania, Kadlin and Squeaks when they go to Greece. There's a sorority squabble, a Lich Queen and other cool, strange and dark stuff in it too, but I don't want to give too much away. In the third story, you find out what happened to Thrack and Rina when they went to China. There's a lot of mages, a big keg, a few sluts for hire and a bloody fairy. It's a fun and sad story, but it's awesome, trust me. Next, you'll find what happens with Alan in Antartica. That story is insane with lots of dragons, and you'll finally get to see why everyone is so afraid of Alan. Finally, you'll read about all those paths converging, all the old friends, and a few new ones, reuniting and you'll be set up for part three. But seriously, the Seer is expecting you again and, if I've learned anything about the multiverse, it's that you don't keep an infinite waiting. So, it's time to return to the Seer, because if the Seer made time for you, you, and what the Seer wants to show you, must be important...
This story is unedited, and I wouldn't mind a cover.
Thank you for reading the intro if nothing else.