Once there was a fire in a house in a small town. People were burned alive. After the fire was out, the town was not the same. The people of the town got scared because, some of the kids saw bad thing such as ghosts. The parents got scared they needed to leave town, they decided to leave their kids at the town with all the people at the town. The kids were in trouble, one day the kids woke up they were not at the town the were bad people their. The bad people found out that the kids were left alone in the town so the bad people took the kids and put them in a house that was abandon and left The kids there. The ghosts from the other town followed then bad people and found he kids, they took the kids and took them to where the parents went to. The ghosts showed the parents what they have done to their kids, the parents were so depressed that they couldn't do anything ever. This was long after the kids got murdered. The parents told everyone they were sorry for what they did. The end