In the aftermath of life-altering events, Y/N L/N finds himself trapped in a turbulent struggle to rebuild his shattered world. Five years have passed, yet the wounds of a devastating breakup and an insidious, unidentified virus continue to haunt him relentlessly. As the virus slowly transforms him, Y/N battles with an overwhelming sense of isolation and despair.
To compound his anguish, the love of his life, Ellie, has moved on and discovered solace in the arms of another. Y/N watches from the side-lines as she embraces happiness with someone new, a bitter reminder of the love he lost.
However, fate takes an unexpected turn when Y/N is abducted by a vengeful faction known as the Fireflies. Led by a commanding Colonel hell-bent on enforcing his will upon humanity, they see Y/N's immunity as a means to exert control. Bound by captivity, Y/N must confront a pivotal choice surrender to his evolving nature or desperately cling to the remnants of his former self, all in hopes of earning Ellie's forgiveness.
Amidst this harrowing struggle, a dormant monster from the past awakens, threatening to plunge Y/N into a maelstrom of darkness and chaos. As he navigates treacherous alliances and confronts his own inner demons, Y/N must find the strength to forge his own path in a world teetering on the brink of destruction.
Will Y/N succumb to the ever-changing virus within, or will he grasp onto the fragile threads of his humanity in a bid to reclaim the love he once held dear? The answers lie in the shadows of a hauntingly beautiful and treacherous world, ready to test the limits of his endurance and resilience.
Y/N L/N was a young boy who faced many challenges to survive in this hell hole. He was raised by a group who lived in the woods to stay away from being spotted by soldiers. Y/N was living with a woman named Claire. She was the leader of the group as she would teach Y/N everything she knew for him to survive whether it was infected or people. But then one day Y/N's camp was raided by a different group called the FireFlies. Y/N lost the person he cared for the most and now he was on his own. Until he ran into someone he recognized but he didn't recognize one person in particular. They would then set out as he would help them accomplish their job.
I don't own Last of Us. It all belongs to NaughtyDogs.