Alexandra Thomas started hunting at 18. Her mother was possessed by a demon and was forced to kill her mother. Alex's father had died of heart failure four years earlier. She is now 28 and is very popular among other hunters. Even though she is very popular, there are two boys called the Winchesters. She doesn't think much of them till Dean Winchester saves her life during a Vamp raid.
The Young Hunter: The Hunter's Daughter Book 2 (A Supernatural Fanfiction)
24 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte
24 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
After living her life as a hunter for almost a year now, Emma Winchester thinks that nothing can surprise her. But she's wrong. When a new threat rises Emma must prepare for yet another rollercoaster. And in the middle of it all, she has to deal with her emotions. She's learned a lot though and won't let her feelings get in the way of what's really coming for her. Even if friends and family betray her, she knows what she has to do. And she won't let anything stop her.