Namjin Fanfiction.
In a universe where a boy meets his soulmate. Yes, his soulmate is also a boy. Kim Seokjin feels awkward about the society. He's too insecure to date him. But he knows if he doesn't take the leap, he might lose Kim Namjoon forever.
Kim namjoon is unsure of his sexuality, but he feels attracted to Seokjin more than he has ever felt for anyone else.
Even if Seokjin does take the leap, destiny has something else planned out for both Seokjin and Namjoon, and every time they're the happiest, god throws the question of fate.
What if the gods from all of heaven don't want them to meet?
....will their love ever find it's happily ever after?
Rankings- #37 in #untoldfeelings
#2 in #namjinfanfic
#3 in #sarang
#670 in #hope
*Also contains Sope*
Namjoon just got cheated on by his ex-husband. Now he's meeting men who are absolutely misogynistic. Will He find true love once again or This is just the end