Dont own anything only doing this for fun harry potter is a full blood saiyan his the son of two oc's .lily and james potter in this fiction really don't exist insead the oc are the one's who when to hogwarts but also in this killing cure can't kill a full saiyan or half. there will be Dumbledore bashing and ginny bashing and molly bashing and ron bashing. no hermione bashing though also .harry will end up with Goku in this fic . if you hate the couples don't read / any thing else . And in this chi chi doesn't exist . Sirius instead of best firends with James is hawk's and blood adopted brother.also the dark lord was defeat that night . Also in this Frieza died years ago same as this father and brother and son. Mostly will be base on Z and Gt and Xenoverse will have some bits of super though and Zeno won't act like a child mostly.james and lily are the past life of Hawk and Iris and saiyan will be very different from human and Other characters for different shows or universes will be in this Goku/harry Pan/trunks Goten/bra Bulma/vegeta Hawk/Iris Harry's parents in this fic Gohan/piccolo Goku jr/vegeta jr Dumbledore/ginny Arthur/merlin Hermione/sirius Goki/Tony Damian Constantine Wayne from a fic I just deleted Phoenix/Gold Beerus/whis Supreme angel/zeno Future Trunks / future pan Marron / ubb Killrin /18 King Vegeta/Star Loki Gabriel Agreste/Thor Bruce Constantine Wayne Bardock/gine Marinette Wayne/John Constantine Rachel/Elizabeth Apollo/Percy Virgil/Richie Hotdogshipping Puppyshipping Puzzleshipping Tendershipping Bronzeshipping Crushshipping Kingcrabstarspiritshipping Keyshipping Counterpartpendulumshipping Hireshipping Fireballshipping Respectfulshipping Darkskyshipping Dischargeshipping Crystalheartshipping Onesided Ginny /harry Ron/Hermione Loki Gabriel Agreste/Tony Damian Constantine Wayne Adrien agreste/Marinette Wayne Past lives/Past Ron/Hermione Ginny/harry John constantine/z Adrien Agreste/Marinette WayneAll Rights Reserved