In this story, we will follow the tale of Deno, Sieghart, and Koyuki. These children, all thirteen, have an inevitable fate resting in their hands without them even knowing. Join us, as we find out how these three survive this fate. Deno is the youngest of these three, the weakest, and the main character. He is a part of the Shiro clan, and equipped with a sword. Sieghart, the oldest, is the second strongest. He is a part of the Kagi clan, and is equipped with a sword. Koyuki, the second oldest, is the strongest. She is a part of the Hirawa clan, and a mage equipped with a staff.
~In the Shimizu Clan, you must be strong and smart. Obedient and stern. Merciless and cruel. You can have no flaws. Only perfection is allowed. You are not allowed to be caring merciful.~
It's because of this that Yosuga is seen as one big flaw to her father. No matter how hard she tries, she's never good enough. She's never strong enough.
She's weak.
Though when she gets placed on Team 7, things start to change and Yosuga realizes just how strong she really is.