In this life, some live with two. Humans in looks, wolves in spirit, amongst them they are known as Wolfskin. In this world, they stay hidden as they expand, multiply and hunt...Baltimore is no exception.
Rana was born and raised one before an unexpected turn of events left her alone and in need of justice. Joining the FBI, she quickly climbed the ranks and became Jack's protégé. However, when a serial killer leaves them facing a dead end, Jack brings forward Will Graham to help them. Unknown to him, Will is as unique as she is, and Rana will do anything to keep him safe.
A task that will prove hard when a strong lonely Alpha enters their lives, under the name of Dr Hannibal Lecter. She will have to fight her instincts when it comes to him, all while he will embrace his own and lead her down a path filled with tough decisions and even tougher crossroads.
Mads Mikkelsen Hannibal X OC
When you met Hannibal at a crime scene you became friends. But what if you know something that others don't?
3rd at #nbchannibal - 23.11.2022
1st at #hannibaltv - 27.10.2023