[EN] Turn it on, injustices come. "I also want to be rich so my mother doesn't have to wash your dishes." "Hey, will the world end if everyone is fair to others? In fact, my world is being destroyed every day." "I don't want to go to war. I want to live peacefully with my sister." Life is like a TV show. There are those who watch and want what they see, but there are those who watch and don't want what they see to happen to them. Some live their pleasant lives, some fight for their dear lives. [ID] Nyalakan, ketidakadilan berdatangan. "Aku juga mau jadi orang kaya agar ibuku tidak perlu mencuci piringmu." "Hei, apakah dunia akan kiamat jika semua orang berlaku adil pada sesama? Padahal, duniaku sudah hancur tiap harinya." "Aku tidak mau berperang. Aku cuma mau hidup tenang dengan adikku." Hidup itu seperti acara televisi. Ada yang menonton dan menginginkan sesuatu yang ditontonnya, ada yang menonton dan tak ingin yang ditontonnya terjadi padanya. Beberapa hidup dengan nyaman, beberapa harus mengoyak zona aman. #7 on critical #23 on injustice #937 on sliceoflifeAll Rights Reserved