The Tears of Marmol: The Twin Sisters' Legacy
40 parts Complete In the enchanting town of Tuburan, Cebu, the legendary Marmol Cliff holds the stories of two mysterious twin sisters, Maria Cacao and Maria Tang-an. Born into a time when mystical beings lived among humans, they possess otherworldly abilities, with one tied to the bounty of the land and the other to the power of the waters. The novel follows their intertwined destinies, marked by love, betrayal, and the consequences of human greed.
Maria Cacao, the protector of the mountains and forests, and Maria Tang-an, the guardian of the rivers and seas, live separate but equally sacred lives. When a cruel twist of fate turns Maria Tang-an from a benevolent spirit into a vengeful force, the balance of nature is shattered. As Maria Cacao tries to restore harmony, secrets about their true heritage and the lies that have divided them come to light. Their story unravels through decades, involving lovers, villagers, and generations of Tuburanon families who both worship and fear the twin sisters.
This novel is a tale of love, life, and lies, exploring the fragile relationship between humans and nature, and the enduring bond between sisters.