They tend to say polar opposites tend to attract, but nobody would have put this pair together especially not in this way James comes from a family where he is at a constant battle, whether it be getting his father on his terms or protecting his little sister from hearing their parents behind closed doors To everyone at school he has the perfect life, that's the facade that he puts up and it's one he's kept up for years Riley comes from a very tight knit family, prim and proper one might say but she isn't the right fit for them. Riley doesn't want to be attending all these dire family functions putting on a fake smile to appease her mother She wants to take her own path, but that isn't allowed in the family. Riley's future is already painted for her These two were never due to meet, their paths never meant to cross but one Social Media app changed all of that. And now they are in deeper then they are aware offAll Rights Reserved
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