In a world where superpowers are the norm, a young girl named Eliana struggles to live up to the expectations of her powerful family. The Higashiyama clan is one of the top five superpowered families in the world, renowned for their strength and abilities. Eliana has always dreamed of joining the ranks of her family, but her powers seem to pale in comparison to those of her siblings. While her older brother can control fire and her sister can bend metal with her mind, Eliana's ability to tame and communicate with animals seems insignificant. Despite her lack of impressive powers, Eliana is determined to prove herself to her family and the world. She trains tirelessly, honing her skills and trying to find new ways to use her abilities. As she grows older and begins to attend a prestigious academy for young superpowered individuals, Eliana finds herself facing challenges and setbacks at every turn. Despite her best efforts, she is constantly overshadowed by her more powerful classmates and ridiculed for her seemingly weak abilities. But Eliana refuses to give up. She knows that her power may not be flashy or showy, but she is determined to use it to protect those she cares about and make a difference in the world. With the help of her animal companions and her unwavering determination, Eliana sets out to prove that even the seemingly weakest of powers can make a real impact.
8 parts