Andrea was bored and minding her business trying to sell cookies for bills when Eustass 'Captain' Kid buys her entire cart. Little did Kid and the crew know, that that one interaction would suck them into Andrea's life for a week while they waited for their log pose to reset. And she led an interesting life, alongside her best friend Candy. Two ladies who catch the Captain's and First Mate's attention since they have time to kill anyways. It's both the longest and shortest week of their lives and it can only end in one way - with the women being left behind to save them from a brutal pirates life. A decision they flounder on and abandon as their affections over the silly dames grow. They make the two pirates feel like normal people - not as subordinates and not as citizens in fear of them trying to appease them - two women who found themselves as interested and enamored in the pirates as the pirates found them. Kid and Killer are strong as fuck and their crew is feared and notorious. What's the worst that could happen? *contains OP spoilers and some smut scenes* No One has permission to copy, repost, edit, translate, spinoff or otherwise pass my works off as their own to this or any other platform. Resumes 2024!All Rights Reserved