Izuku "Vinsmoke" Midoriya, a poor boy who was born Quirkless into a world filled with pirates and heroes.
But that wasn't the worst part.
You see, Vinsmoke wasn't supposed to be part of his name. And it was because his mother was forced out of the relationship with his father and supposed to marry some guy named Judge Vinsmoke because he forced her to do so, splitting him and his mother away from his real father..
He also gained two half siblings from this horrible relationship named Izumi and Luka Vinsmoke, his younger sister and brother.
Izumi hated Izukufor being weak and Quirkless while his brother cared for him along with his mother. A day before the incident that changed his life, his mother died to illness.
Disgusted because of his Quirklessness, Judge sold Izuku for slavery to Saint Shalria, one of the World Nobles, also known as the Tenyūbito, or Celestial Dragons.
Not wanting to live his life as a slave forever, Izuku managed to free himself and board a ship that was owned by former-pirate now chef, Red-Leg Zeff.
Upon learning of his past and the incident that led him to getting on board his ship, Zeff takes the boy in as his own son, and he teaches him his fighting style and the basics of cooking, making him a excellent chef.
He also changes his nickname his sister gave him, "Deku", into his future bounty name, "Black-Leg Deku".
But his life changes when he has to make two life changing decisions:
To join a 17-year-old Straw Hat boy's crew and help him on his quest to find the legendary One Piece, and to find the source of his new dream: to the legendary Ocean--the All-Blue.
Or join the school that housed the possibility of his old dream that died out in the past: to become a Hero.
The choice... was his.