(THIS IS OLD AND I PROBABLY WONT EVER FINISH THIS) A Splatoon 3 LGBTQ+ Story about an octoling boy who moved to splatsville from Inkopolis square to try to fit in. With his boyfriend living in inkopolis square and not being able to get the comfort he needs from him he starts feeling lonely. Not to mention he can't sleep without him there. With his Boyfriend not answering his phone, and struggling to fit in, and not getting along with his abusive roomie things....couldn't get worse. Hah well my friend it does. With feeling's flowing through his body and emotions running in his head and loneliness seeping in, pain killers floating in and simple slits on his thighs, the turf wars start to become less enjoyable. His boyfriend demanded to come visit him once he moved in, The boy was happy to hear about it, but what's going to happen when he comes, what happens if he doesn't. And what are they going to do when he comes? he's not even aloud to go outside much. Well, The pain will hurt worser than it was when he left inkopolis. More than the cuts on his thighs, hurt more than his abusive aggressive roommate.