BUMP! I hit my head on the table. "So many homework to do." I said. I grabbed my pencil and went straight to work. I was working so hard that I didn't know my sister, Lucky-Rose, came in. "Hey, time for dinner." " Okay. I will be down there in a minute." I replied. As she walked down, my phone was ringing. I picked up. "Hello?" "Dude, are you at home?" Rebekah said. "Yeah, why?" I said. "I am coming over. our parents said we can sleepover. Even Elias." After she hanged up, I jumped in the air with my fist up high. "YES!" As went down stairs, I heard a conversation going on. I walk in to the dining room and I see Elias and Rebekah."What's up, guys." I said.  After we ate dinner, Rebekah, Elias, and I went upstairs. "What do you guys want to do?" I asked. "I want to talk to Hiriliaz first. I want to make sure she is okay." Rebekah said. Elias and I shrugged. "Sure." Elias said. When we called her she was laying on her bed in the dark. "Hey Bekky. Who are these two?" she said. "This is Vesi and Elias. We are at Vesi's house." Rebekah replied. "Hi!" I said. "Hi! So your Vesi. Rebekah has been talking about you. You seem talller and more skinnier." I look down and then at Rebekah. "Did you tell her I was chubby. Thats okay, I am chubby." I said. we laughed and then thats when Hiriliaz looked at me in a flirty way. I looked at her and she winked at me. I blushed. "You look cute when you blush." Hiriliaz said. "WHAT?!?" Rebekah said. "nothing" she replied. The next morning, I woke up when I heard a ruckus down stairs. I woke up Elias and Rebekah. "Guys, I think someone is down stairs?" I said. We walked down slowly. The stairs creaking under our feet. I peeked out the hallway and saw nothing. Then that when I saw blood on the ground. Then the zombie came out. "Aaaaauuuugggghhh!" We screamed. I grabbed a knife and stabbed the zombie in the head.All Rights Reserved