In this Story Buffy is the missing sister or should I say one of the missing sisters yes its a Power of Four Story once again I am killing Phoebe but Prue is portrayed by Lily James I am not sure about the love interest yet well apart from Buffy she will be paired with Angel and Buffy's twin sister will be portrayed by Sophia Bush. Buffy is 24 so the timeline is different for example when she and Angel slept together for the first time it was Buffy's 18 birthday not her 17th and I do have a Dawn Character but she is Buffy's 9 year old daughter. Buffy was attacked and raped when she was 14 she had her daughter when she was 15 just before she was called as the Vampire Slayer. Buffy and Angel did break up for a while and she dated Riley but not for long and he left at the end of Season 4 but to match the Paige character's age 3 years have passed since then so its starts in Buffy Season five and yes Angel's soul is bound and he cannot loose it so Buffy her Daughter whose name is Evie and Angel are a family. Grace calls Angel Dad. the Paige's character is now called Parker. Parker will have the same power as Paige had and Buffy will have Phoebe's power and she will develop an active power later. the Story starts in season four of Charmed and Season five of BuffyAll Rights Reserved