In a world of darkness and danger, Mel-Rose Lawrence, Regulus Black, and Evan Rosier embark on a mission that tests their friendships, challenges their loyalties, and unveils the power of love. As they navigate treacherous paths and face their own inner conflicts, they must decide whether to embrace the shadows or forge their own destiny. Mel-Rose was the heart of all death eaters. She was the perfect death eater, even considered Salazar Slytherin's daughter herself. Though her mind leads her down the road her parents drag her on, her heart lies in the hands of one who is determined to put an end to the Dark Lord. "People like you and I are not allowed to fall in love; the moment you recognize this truth the world no longer can give you pain. In this world that we have surrounded ourselves in; there is no going back. We are either the prey or the predator. And I choose predator. "- Mel-Rose Lawrence ~Slow burn!!! ~I am editing as I write these chapters so you might notice some changes if you regularly read this story! ~I am still a learning writer so if the writing is incorrect or you have advice, please do not feel afraid to share. ~ Comments should be a safe space for all readers.All Rights Reserved