In this world full of unfairness and twists, Seok Cheon High is a school with a hidden secret that only the student named Jin Hee Lee knows. What once a good model student, turned into a crooked girl who lacks respect for the people in school. Therefore, she becomes an outcast who hates everyone. Until, she meets the new transferee from Gyeonggi High, Ah In Song. Their first meeting and his first day becomes colourful as Jin Hee was forced out of her will to become his tour guide and school buddy for 2 months, instructed by the new teacher. In those 2 months, something is expected to change in Jin Hee's attitude, but will it happen? Or is there going to be more than that? This story is about trust and how to deal with issues that surround the unfair society. It involves love, and drama between family and friends and how we deal with loss between losing a loved one. It is also a mystery drama as Jin Hee and Ah In unlocks Seok Cheon High's dirty laundry.