This story takes place after the events of Transformers: Prime: Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, in which Megatron returns to his old physical appearance before leaving Cybertron and going into self-exile while disbanding the Decepticons and leaving them without a leader after declaring that the Decepticons are no more since they've lost the Great War to the Autobots.
Megatron, now an ex-Decepticon and an ex-warlord, travels across space as a loner, a drifter, and a traveler to spread the message that the Decepticons have lost the Great War and the Autobots have finally restored their planet Cybertron.
But while he's in self-exile, Megatron gets stalked, intimidated, and defeated by a dark and mysterious raven-like bounty huntress who wants him to die for good. Eventually Megatron makes new friends who are Tap-Out, his former gladiator school classmate, friend and current streetfighter, and Glyph, Tap-Out's pregnant wife.
And the new enemies, Megatron made in his exile are Strika and her family: her Predacon husband, Obsidian, her oldest son Granite, her younger son, Striker, and her youngest and only daughter, Obsidia. And Apeface, Tap-Out's former street-fighting partner.
They all go after a Wishing Well to grant them a single wish. Megatron's wish is to replace the dark energon in his body with normal Energon, Tap-Out's wish is to get a trusted friend, Obsidian's wish is to be a vehicle Transformer, and Apeface's wish is to be the most powerful being in the universe.
But will Megatron survive living in his self-exile, learn the value of friendship, learn to accept his mortality and heal from the trauma that Unicron the Chaos Bringer had inflicted on him when he revived, tortured and possessed him? Or will Megatron fail on his journey to find a new purpose in life and succumb to his impending doom?
Book 2!!
~ "I was so scared of hurting you, that my own downfall hurt you the most" ~
Entropy is offline and Ratchet is barely managing to cope. It didn't help when he could feel the golden mech's presence wherever he went.
When Unicron awakens with the intent to destroy Primus once for all, he calls upon his creation only to discover that he had been offlined, leaving his frame an empty husk.
Entropy was somewhat regretting offlining. The pain in Ratchet's optics reminding him of his decision.
What will the Autobots do when they are threatened by the Chaos Bringer being in both Megatron's well as Entropy's?
{TFP Predacons Rising does not belong to me}