May I know which path is better? It's dark. A voice in my head distracts me. What.... Dispersed thoughts. A sudden light. How long do I have to walk this path.... A bounty hunter, a traitorous friend, or just nothing. What's the important part of the story? I don't know.
I'm still searching for my purpose there among them all I want to get to the meaning of those things inside me
مجرد هفوات اصنعها وعوائق في طريقي ماهو الاستنتاج الامثل لحل قضية معقدة مثل هذه
عدة طرق. لحل القضايا. تكمن لقاتل واحد
من. وماهدفه .....
Atsushi.....Dazai....Jin.....and Ranbo and more to come
ماهي الخطوة القادمة ....
What is the next step? 次のステップは何ですか?
The characters, most of them, do not return to the core, because they are adapted from a series written for fun only. I hope you will enjoy it