Long ago, a legendary blader named Gingka Hagane, that same blader who held the legendary Pegasus, faced off a powerful threat who calls himself, The Dread. Ever since Gingka lost to him, his world was destroyed, and he turned to stone forever...unless it wasn't forever. Valt Aoi notices other blader's beys missing, and Free De La Hoya wasn't acting like himself. Ulena, the ultimate guardian of the Universals, tells Valt that he needs to find the key to stop The Dread who's been doing it all. She tells him that Gingka Hagane was far away, in an island called Mitosis. Now, join Valt Aoi, and his friends Shu Kurenai, Lui Shirosagi, Free De La Hoya, and their new friend Piper Esterak, as they go on a grand adventure, hoping Gingka would be able to save this world. But, if Gingka turned to stone because of The Dread, how will they free Gingka before it's too late?