Miku Yugikami (Y/N) (L/N), is a 15-year-old girl who has ADHD, that attends UA Highschool. Throughout the story, Yugikami (Y/N) overcomes many obstacles, including villain attacks, secrets, improving relationships, love interests, mental illnesses, and even risking her life. Within keeping up with correct social communication, making new friends, fitting in, and falling in love, her lifetime goal is to become the best hero she can be. But, what faults will unravel the many social, and life-threatening events she will be forced to encounter? Yugikami will stay, playing the game, to see what all these challenges unlock for her at the very end...
What will happen during this adventure?... The reader won't know until they experience the journey with Miku Yugikami.
One day, a curse befell Sensei.
To the students, Sensei became the enemy, and he found himself in a position where he lost everything overnight.
But Sensei does not resent the students. Because he is 'Sensei'.
And Sensei has to face the calamity that would befall Kivotos once again.
[블루 아카이브] 그리고 모든 증오가 시작되는 곳
Author: 비솔티
279+ Chapters (Ongoing)
1,210,000+ Total Words