The Inazuma Archon, Raiden Ei and her wife, the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine, Yae Miko, have 6 children.
The Balladeer, Scaramouche, 6th of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, formerly. Mostly in fights with his younger brother, Reiko. Around 175 years old.
The Raiden Shogun, a puppet created by Ei to watch over Inazuma as she meditates in the Plane of Euthymia. Acts as the middle man between Reiko and Scaramouche's arguements. She is around 200 years old.
Raijin, oldest of the kitsune quad, roughly around 140 years old but looks like he's 16. Supposed to be the most mature but causes the most trouble with his kitsune siblings.
Reiko, second oldest brother, around 135 years old, looks like he's 15 tho. A role model for mischief. Often on fights with his older brother, Scaramouche. Most times he wins and gets what he wants.
Yukari, oldest sister of the quad, around 120 years old but seems as if she is just 14, most of the time stops her siblings from causing mischief but ends up joining them anyway and quickly gets into trouble.
Youka, the youngest sister of the kitsune quad, around 105 years old, looks like she's 10, she gets her siblings into trouble by telling on them to their mother, Ei.
These six always cause trouble for their parents, most of the time it's always just the kitsune quad, but sometimes they drag their older brother and sister into their mischief.
Let's see how Ei and Yae can juggle their work and stopping their kids from making mischief.
AU where The Raiden Shogun was created before Scaramouche and she is much kinder and more playful.
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