1 part Complete In a world where strength, intelligence, and power determine survival, a group of teenagers is thrust into an experiment orchestrated by a sinister mastermind. Moon, Maya, Raiden, and their friends Carlo, Marco, Hayami, and Devonte are caught in a high-stakes game where betrayal, hidden agendas, and fierce competition reign supreme.
As the siblings uncover dark secrets about their family, they are forced into a brutal competition that tests their combat skills, wits, and loyalty. Faced with powerful enemies, overwhelming odds, and the threat of losing their loved ones, they must navigate twisted trials set by a mastermind to prove themselves worthy. With each challenge, their bonds are tested, alliances shift, and rivalries are ignited.
Filled with intense action, psychological warfare, and a race against time, this story explores the fine line between power and corruption-and how far one is willing to go for family, revenge, and survival.