In a magical realm full of hopes and dreams, there were five heroes known as The Dreamers who watched over many villages. In the center of their realm stood a majestic tree that didn't thrive on water or sunlight. It thrived on the power of music, songs, hopes, and dreams, and as long as the people and their hero leaders had hopes and dreams along with the power of song, the tree thrived. One day, these villains attacked the village and destroyed the people's sense of hopes and dreams, along with forbidding songs to be sung. That caused the tree to weaken and wither. The heroes tried to stand up to the villains, but were defeated in combat. The villains went to strike the final blow, but one of the heroes stood up and used magic which caused the heroes to encase themselves in eternal stone to protect themselves. The villains took over the village and life was miserable. A small group of friends who refused to conform to the new world learn of a prophecy that those who still cling to hope can find the heroes, release them from their sleep, and defeat the villains once and for all and also restore their sacred tree. Will they succeed or will the village fall into ruin and despair? This story was inspired by We Kpop Halloween Special episode with TXT. I very much loved the little story at the beginning so I incorporated it into this fanfic, adding extra to it. Hope you guys enjoy it.All Rights Reserved