My 2023 New Year's goal was to write a poem/prose/spoken word every day, and I decided that the best way to hold myself accountable was to publish them here each day.
None of these will likely be heavily edited or rounded out, and this is for two reasons. The first is that I'm trying to remove myself from the idea that in order for things to be found presentable and "ready," they have to be heavily edited and polished to perfection or as near to it as I can it. The second is that I am typically writing these at the end of the day as a way to wind down. The quality will not be high, and this is more serving as a personal diary than anything else, but for those of you who choose to read, I appreciate you.
Thank you for letting me be vulnerable, raw, and basically unedited in this personal project. I hope to look back at these at the end of the year to see growth in myself as a person and the development of my writing abilities. I haven't written poetry in years, and this return to it has already turned out to be particularly cathartic.