This book is a sci-fi action thriller that follows Talia Hale, a skilled individual who is tasked with training to travel to Pandora in a life changing mission as the decaying earth struggles to survive. Talia must navigate the treacherous terrain, face deadly creatures, satisfy the RDA and find herself in this journey, which is filled with mystery, danger and sacrifices. Hale must face her duties as a soldier, medic, sister and human while attempting to balance them all as she tries to survive the hostile and unpredictable planet within the Na'vi community, which will demand from her much more than pushing her to her limits confronting her doubts and fears that will determine her fate. Will it be worthy digging your own grave for another species, one that despises your own? This book features intense action scenes, self-discovery, romance and difficult life changing decisions. Overall, this story is a thrilling and captivating adventure that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Book #1 Disclaimer: I do not own the Avatar franchise nor this wallpaper (Image by Maró Valls), all credit goes to the creators of the universe and authors.All Rights Reserved
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