In a cruel, dark world with chaos and death at every turn at the hands of criminals and villains, Sonic and his friends fight Dr. Robotnik and his Eggman Empire to help and save the people of Mobius from his cunning, surprisingly evil schemes. Thankfully however, out of all the chaos, evil and darkness, two Mobians, Whisper and Tangle, will find each other and form an everlasting, emotional, loving bond with each other as they will have to brave all the evil plans that Dr. Eggman and his Empire will throw at the them. However, will everything go perfectly as planned? Will Whisper be able to let go of her traumatic past? Can Tangle help Whisper with her tragic past and win her over? How will Whisper and Tangle deal with the seemingly never-ending villainous plots of Dr. Robotnik and his sidekicks? Find out what happens next in this griping, dark, shocking, suspenseful, exciting, heart-warming and surprisingly wholesome love story! (P.S: All fanart is NOT mine since I can't draw anything to save my life LOL. I will PROPERLY credit all of the amazing users who made these fantastic pieces of art starting of course with the beautiful cover art by RidleyNemrick. Make sure to give her a follow on her Deviantart page! Here is a link to the original art on Deviantart:
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