Short story of a Gemini whose Fourth was taken away, not by choice but forcefully in the night by creatures that no longer have a human heart.
Warning: foul language, aggressive behavior, suicide attempt, murder.
'Do people always fall in love with things they can't have?' 'Always,'
Eloise Bridgerton, The 5th child in the Viscount's household. She was different. She wasn't what society expected her to be or what her mother wanted her to be. A spinster in making, she boldly chose to rebel against everyone. Far ahead of her time, she was not perfect. but in his eyes she was.
Theodore Sharpe, A printmaker during the day and a women's rights advocate by night. He was not what men in the regency were supposed to be like. Far ahead of his time, He was no prince. But for her he was, the most charming one in fact.
When two worlds collide, Either it creates something really beautiful or something too heartwrenching.