"No.... This can't be real... All of you aren't! This is just a dream... right...?" Y/N yelled... At this point Y/N had a lot of questions needed to be answered, As she thought that she was dreaming, but was she? ðð¢ððš ðð¯ðð«ð²ðšð§ð! ððð¥ððšðŠð ððš ðŠð² ðð¢ð«ð¬ð ðð¯ðð« ððð§ðð¢ð ð¬ððšð«ð²!! ð'ðŠ ðð±ðð¢ððð ðð®ð ðð ðð¡ð ð¬ððŠð ðð¢ðŠð ð§ðð«ð¯ðšð®ð¬ ðð ð°ð«ð¢ðð¢ð§ð ðð¡ð¢ð¬... ððš ð¡ðšð©ð ð²ðšð® ðð§ð£ðšð² ð«ðððð¢ð§ð ðð¡ð¢ð¬ ððð§ðð¢ð! ðð¡ð¢ð¬ ð¬ððšð«ð² ð¢ð¬ ð ðšð§ð§ð ðð ð ððððð¥ð¢ð ð± ð ! ðððððð« ððšð«ð«ð² ððš ðð¡ð ððšð²ð¬ ðšð®ð ðð¡ðð«ð! ðð ð²ðšð® ð¬ðð ðð§ð² ðŠð¢ð¬ððð€ðð¬, ð£ð®ð¬ð ðð ðŠð! ð ð°ð¢ð¥ð¥ ðð¢ð± ð¢ð ð«ð¢ð ð¡ð ðð°ðð²! ðð¢ð¬ðð¥ðð¢ðŠðð«: ð ððš ð§ðšð ðšð°ð§ ðð¡ð ððððð¥ð¢ð ðð¡ðð«ððððð«ð¬ ð§ðšð« ð²ðšð®! ððððð¥ð¢ð ððð¥ðšð§ð ð¬ ððš ðð¢ððð€ðð³ ðð¢ðŠðð«ð®ð²ð!