it was a normal day. oh hi im zhaneia but u can call me niyaa back yo the story itwas a normal day i think me and my grandma she always beat up me when im a child so i alway say it to my parents but they dont want to listen me 6 yrs later i was 10 yr old i was alway cry at night cause i always alone and depressed and i have some issues with my self i have social enxietyand hate my self and one day i remember the pass in my old school that someone died me and my bff yang we were going to the bathroom and we seeses some werd kid and yang open the bathroom door and we fo inside that and the kid is like banging at the door yang yelling at that werd kid and he stop cause 2 girl come it was are classmates i pulled one of them cause the werd kid almost hit her with a long and sharp stick so... we got lock by the werd kid and me and one of my classmate lets call her joy so me and joy i cry cause my enxiaty is attacking and im panicking and joy is panicking to so we start crying and got out off the bathroom and my life get worse and worse now and i hate my self.. thank u for listening or reading my story for now ok byee thank youuuAll Rights Reserved
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