Skadi, an assassin from les Fantômes du Lac, is taken from her home in Frørjǫrð to stand for her crimes, but the punishment is not at all what she expected. Instead of being hanged, the girl is forced to spend her days in Síocháinhavre and become an unlikely thing, a princess, however things begin to go awry as tensions get higher between the countries that have surrounded the realms. Things become even harder for Skadi as she has to learn the proper skills that are befitting of a princess.
Trading in her daggers for corsets and her boots for slippers could be the one thing that keeps her out of trouble, but with other organizations on the rise there was no telling what would come next. There are things that only an assassin can do, and it becomes quite clear that there's more that the girl must do. If she can't keep up the guise of being someone who is prim and proper, then her sentence is extended and she becomes the very thing that she feared, a pawn of society.
With the races of the realm starting another war, there isn't much that she can do. If she can help it, then she would keep herself hidden away, but when the Dragon king makes his demands, it is up to Skadi to act as a diplomat in hopes to get everything back on track, but if she fails, then everyone is doomed. However, there is a conflict.
As Skadi spends more time with the dragon king, Pyros, she finds herself catching feelings for him. If there wasn't anything more, then it would be over, but she can either become the one thing that she is on the run from, or she can face the music and be something that everyone fears, a creature with no remorse for anyone but those she cares about. It's a race against death itself as things unfold in the world, but it may not always be for the better.
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.