"Can I kiss you, Meera?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of shyness. Kissing held a unique emotional significance for me, which was precisely why I had consented to it. Our date had been enjoyable, marked by lightheartedness, and he had succeeded in making me feel genuinely desired.
"Yes," I whispered, granting him permission and awaiting his next move.
He leaned in, and our lips met in a tender, comfortable kiss, exuding a sweetness that seemed to encapsulate the connection we were forging. As he pulled away, my eyes widened, capturing an unexpected scene unfolding both before and behind him. In the distant corner, cloaked in shadows, Red leaned against his imposing Harley, a smoldering cigar between his lips. He idly twirled a sleek, black object in his hand, and as our eyes locked, he lifted it, discreetly pointed the gun at Elijah's back. His eyes held promise.
My head bobbed in a rapid, almost panicked, negative response to Red's silent directive. He used his gun to motion for me to approach him and join him on his bike. My heart raced, and I struggled to formulate a plausible explanation for Red's unexpected presence and sudden command.