A Darklina fanfic
A corrupted Alina fanfic
A get out of here and let Darklina happen Mal fanfic
What if Alina had destroyed the Fold earlier on and kept her powers?
What if Alina stayed on the night of the Winter Fete and didn't listen to Baghra?
What if Alina had used merzots and it corrupted her?
I broke away from Aleksander and stared into his eyes, studying them. His perfect chiseled jawline, his silky black hair, and his quartz grey eyes.
I sighed. "I need to know."
"What is it Moya Solnishka?" His expression seemed...worried, as if something serious was wrong.
"There was something Baghra said...", his expression instantly hardened, "she said you are the Black Heretic, is this true?"
"As far fetched that may seem, unfortunately yes, I am the Black Heretic."
"Do you regret it?" I asked.
Aleksander looked at me with confusion on his perfect face, "Regret what?"
"The Fold, using merzots, everything." I replied, staring softly into his eyes.
"Everything besides this Moya Solnishka," pressing his lips to my temple.
I kissed him on his lips and whispered, "Thank you, Aleksander."
#1 aleks
#20 alina
#26 aleksandermorozova
#10 darklina
#43 Darkling
#39 alinastarkov
Copyright © TheAlmightyMew
Do not copy my story or reproduce it without my permission or share it without my permission, bascially respect the copyright of my story
I do not own the characters except for my OC
The characters belong to Leigh Bardugo All Rights Reserved
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