Welcome to the Care of the Elderly service. We provide comprehensive care for elderly People (patients)
Welcome to the Care of the Elderly service. We provide comprehensive care for elderly People (patients) - covering their medical, social, and emotional needs. We offer services at your homes across London and have close links with community teams so that people who cannot visit medical centers can be seen at home.
We provide a full range of general and care specialist services for older people with medical problems. We recognize that our patients' situations can be very complex so their physical, social, and emotional needs are also addressed. The team works in close collaboration with the community, mental health, and social care services to ensure that care is provided in an integrated and seamless fashion.
We provide inpatient services including acute medical care, rehabilitation, memory services, and joint services with orthopedic surgeons and general surgeons, and outpatient services, including general medical Services for older people, memory Services, falls assessment Clinical Services, and multidisciplinary community clinics Services.
Our staff cares passionately about improving the quality of life for our elderly patients so they can live as independently as possible, with fast access to all of the support that they need.
We are pleased to give our Elderly patients equal access to specialist assessments and medical treatments - regardless of their age.