This Is Me (1D fanfic)
  • مقروء 6,144
  • صوت 101
  • أجزاء 17
  • الوقت 1h 37m
  • مقروء 6,144
  • صوت 101
  • أجزاء 17
  • الوقت 1h 37m
مستمرة، تم نشرها في ديسـ ٠٧, ٢٠١٢
Jamie was made for the spotlight. Andrea was made for the sidelines. But when the two of them have to join their powers to write a song, can they rise to the test? Or will fate jump in the way? If helping One Direction means losing good friends and gaining bad ones, are Andrea and Jamie ready? Will they prove that they can? Or can't they?

*NOT a love story - not mainly anyways.
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