In the vibrant city of Raigadh, Aharya, a noble from a prestigious royal family, finds himself entangled in the threads of fate. Adhira, a spirited young woman from a middle-class family, carries the weight of her past, scarred by an ill-fated engagement. Little do they know, their destinies are about to weave together in the tapestry of an arranged royal marriage.
Aharya, despite his royal background, is not a stranger to life's hardships. A life-altering accident years ago opened his eyes to new perspectives, shaping him into a man of strong resolve and compassion. Drawn to Adhira's inner strength, he sees beyond societal norms and envisions a life partner in her.
Adhira, once a high-spirited tomboy, has weathered storms that turned her vibrant world gray. Her past engagement left emotional wounds, and Aharya becomes the unexpected healer, unraveling the layers of pain and insecurity that shroud her heart.
Happy reading,💝