Midoriya Izuku, a young boy that finds himself lost within a dark wooded land. His mother and father were no where in sight and all he could hear were the sounds of nature all around him. Was he lost? Was he abandoned? He was only four years old when he found himself in nature's grasp, what if he dies all alone out here? Of course, he's smart enough to know a few things, what to eat out here, to definitely stay away from mushrooms, and to keep away from dangerous animals. He knows what he needs to, the only problem now is that he's unsure of what to do next, should he call for help or should he find his way through this scary land on his own. Also be prepared to learn a thing or two within this story cause I got some animal facts and others within this story. (Some plant facts too.) Also may not be the read for easily disgusted people.(Animal dismantling and such.)
22 parts