It was a long long time ago, in a time filled with magic and mystical creatures called monsters, there was many different types of monsters with a variety in their intelligence most were nothing but beasts that would attack anything that moved and ravaged the land. But some were as capable as humans when it came to intelligence and capability of thought, though the humans hated to make the distinction, through the birth and death of these monsters magic was let out into the air that humans could take advantage of, they used thins magic to form one massive civilisation with the centre of it in the lands now know as the British isles. The civilisation spread out across the entirety of the known world which as of now would be Europe and parts of Russia, until they found the monsters own civilisation with two unaging and extraordinarily powerful monarchs known as Toriel and Asgore, though the fierce monarchs were the least of their concern as the powerful and almighty head mage known as W.D Gaster was not to be trifled with, he was just as physically and magically strong as the pair of Toriel and Asgore however he was not constrained by the laws that prevented action of the King and Queen
The humans decided that the couldn't let monsters stay alone with the amount of power that they possessed so they prepared a spell that would limit the amount of magic produced in a certain area as they cast it though a few humans, namely the three princesses Chara, Frisk and their sister who's name has been lost to time all set out in preventing the meaningless war and for the most part they were successful until the monsters saw what the humans planned to do and unleashed a counter offensive