Three years ago, in another parallel world, humanity was infected with a new virus, the Bugster Virus, and turned them into creatures known as Bugsters. In the present time, Tsubasa Kazanari and Kanade Amou, the idol duo known as Zwei Wing, use their songs to power an ancient weapon known as "Symphogear" against a race deadly alien, called "Noise". While the public knew of Noise's existence, knowledge of the Symphogears remained secret.
One day, Hojo Mirai, the son of Hojo Emu, attended a concert with his best friend, Tachibana Hibiki. The concert was attacked by Noise causing many people to die. In that situation, Mirai transformed into Kamen Rider Ex-aid to join Kanade and Tsubasa to fight Noise. While they were fighting Noise, Kanade was about to sacrifice herself to protect Hibiki, who was accidentally dragged into their fight. However, the Ex-aid stopped her in time, but that also left Tsubasa devastated and a fragment of Kanade embedded in Hibiki.
And from there, all a game that decided the fate of humanity was started.
The story is about the little girl who has 7 older brothers, honestly, 7 overprotective brothers!!
In a heartwarming tale of family devotion, six brothers show what true love and loyalty mean as they each protect, nurture, and support their little sister through every challenge life throws her way. From childhood mischief to life's toughest trials, their bond is unbreakable, and their love for her knows no bounds
This story is a celebration of sibling love-how it shapes us, strengthens us, and becomes the greatest gift of all. A journey of heart, humor, and heartfelt moments, it's a reminder that family isn't just about blood; it's about the unconditional love that ties us all together.
Important notice~
This story contains Drama, fights,blood,love, smuts and 18+ content! So skip if you can't handle it! And This is totally a fictitious story and importantly THE BTS FANFIC! so Misbehave & abusive language against idols won't be tolerated!
#attraction #billionaire #brothers #btsff #btsimagine #chilguzo #chimchim #hobi #jeonjungkook #jhope #jimin #jiminff #jk #junghoseok #jungkook #kimnamjoon #kimseokjin #kimtaehyung #love #minyoongi #parkjimin #rm #sugaff #tae