The Delinquent's Daughter {An Outsiders Fanfiction - Sequel to Hope}
39 de părți Complet Good girl Hope has always been a Curtis. That is, until she found out she was a Winston. With his hair and his eyes, it's a wonder she didn't realize it before. And when she finally figured it out, she's sent in a downward spiral. She's been bullied her whole life about her past and family, but it's never bothered her before now. When she learns that everything they've been saying is true, Hope thinks it's the end for her. Ponyboy's not her father. The infamous, evil, hated Dallas Winston is. And she decided to own it, to become just like him.
{Sequel to Hope, in her point of view. You do not have to read that book first, but it may be helpful, as there may be some references to events in that book.}