We've been always three, Me, myself, and I. In real life or rather in the world of intimacy, that doesn't always have to be the case. This package of one is likely to meet a special (or rather thought to be) someone on the way of life. Someone is often admitted into the life of the three and as a result, if not a lot then somethings or aspects change in the individual within whom the three identifies. There comes a time when conflict may arise between the three in relation to the foreign admission and as a result the whole package may never go on to be the same, especially if the special one decides to take an exit on the three after enduring all those changes to let it him/her( special one) in. You can imagine how instability tends to be dangerous when a neutron or proton is stripped away from an atom. That's how relationships tend to work or rather impact the life of an individual. This is a poem, or rather i might say a letter addressed to the lost part of a whole individual especially after conflicts, in this case a break up or someone special leaving them. One part (I) recalls the life with other parts ( me & myself) partly before, during and after meeting a lady companion (her) at a mall. (I) pours his feelings during and after the lady leaving the trio. All in a letter that he(I)writes, you can follow the whole in part and to detail as addressed to the two (Me, Myself) whom aren't part of him (I) anymore as the hurt following the breakup and the struggle during the relationship might have broken them apart. I hope and wish you will enjoy the reading. Lemme me know what you think of this part from the comment section. Remember your reviews and votes will also be highly appreciated.All Rights Reserved
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