After a daring escape from Neverland, Celestia, Piper, Violette, and Mirabella are back.
For the first time ever, Celestia is truly, utterly happy. She starts to humble and become more forgiving and kind, surprising everyone she cares about, and even those she doesn't.
Piper is finally getting the thrills she desired her whole life. She's stronger, faster, and smarter. Little does she know she's more than meets the eye.
Violette finally gets her memories back, with the help of Rumpelstiltskin. She learns that you don't need a sword or shield to be a hero. When it comes down to the wire, Vi is the one who has to take charge.
Mirabella is shaken after her experiences in Neverland. She's overridden with guilt and sadness, and wishes she didn't leave Peter Pan. But with the help of her friends and a new guy, she might just be able to get over him.