Tiana montezera, is an adopted girl, who grew up having a serious vision in love and its effect on her future. Faces an unexpected position in life where it has come to challenge her beliefs.
As being snitched in love with Daion Feralco throughout her life since gradeschool. She's met with a Self-Centered, Bad-boy, Only Son of one of the most influential person in NewYork. Blade Cerano. Who challenges her love with her long-time bestfriend, Daion Feralco.
However, a tragedy of opened truth has come its way to Tiana's life. That her parents, has always been keeping. Taking away all of her unknowns.
Can a love can make its way to her again even when the road was broken?harmful to whoever crosses it? Can a lost rose who never bloomed still be found in a garden full of poisonous plants?
Can a misunderstood love be fixed? Or will the new opened path can make its way throughout a broken road?