England; Ever since /that/ day in history, I felt as if I was crumbling apart, bit by bit. I feel as if I'm being stabbed in the heart every time I see his wonderful smile that seems to never fade, and know that I was never anywhere near the cause of that ray of sunshine. I treasure every second I'm in his presence, when I hear his voice, when I feel his warmth, anything and everything to do with him. Oh, how I have prayed to at least hold him in my embrace once more before I completely shatter into pieces of pain, loneliness, and heartbreak. However, I hadn't ever even thought I would receive more than I had hoped...
So, if you couldn't tell already, England has been extremely depressed since the Revolutionary war, but covered it up with sass and nonchalantness. However, he has realized that he loves America, more then a brother or friend, or even a best friend, but think that the amazing Alfred F. Jones may not return the feelings, since he was the one had had declared independence.
Jack is a ghost who spends his free time following around random college students to keep himself entertained, seeing as he's dead and no one can see him. But what happens when one day someone can see him?
(Yet another )Septiplier Collab with AbigailWright7. I don't even bother keeping track at this point. XD