The book opens with a human walking down the street and something falls from the sky and lands on her. It's a man with antlers dressed in odd clothes and she thinks it's cosplay. He realizes that she is his mate and leaves. Later for his family to send his younger brother to kidnap her and bring her to their realm. She discovers she is the princes mate and they argue about everything, she just wants to go home. She realizes if she leaves him he will die. They eventually form a blood bond where his beast vows to protect her. This causes a very special mark to appear on her and everyone from the other kingdoms wishes to have her as their own. The fae king comes to visit and wants her to get revenge as his father was in love with the dragon princes mother but she left him. He eventually kidnaps the girl who discovers she not actually human. Sorry this is such a mess I read the book forever ago and can't seem to find it or get over the fact I want to reread it. I'd appreciate if anyone could remember the book.