A King, A Captain, A Mess
9 chapitres En cours d'écriture Two brothers learn who each other really are while on an adventure. Who will be king? Can they stop a civil war? Will they find and accept their mates?
Could I suck any worse at descriptions?... probably not. Still, I think you should give the story a chance before you disregard it.
Story excerpt:
"I don't want to be a king. I've never wanted to be king! You know this, Father. Please..." I beg hoping he has another solution.
"I see no other option. Look out the window, Ethan. It hasn't even been an hour, and a crowd has gathered at our doors. What do you want me to do? The people love you. The soldiers respect you. The only members of the clan you need to win over are the stuffed shirts and with what your brother just pulled? You're as good as gold."
"You wanted this to happen." I accuse him, and he shrugs.
"Want? No. Expect? Yes. Your brother is more concerned with holding his mothers dress than leading his people... but by all means, if you have a plan to make him a worthy ruler, lay it out for me, Captain." Father responds, looking for a battle plan to reign in his own son.
"Are you willing to stand up to your mate?" I ask and he shudders before nodding.
I've got some work to do.