Neither seem to be related, but for some reason, no one is able to let their eyes go from the greenete and compare him to the infamous vigilante that appeared one day and helped out many heroes. His name is not known apart from going by the name "Deku" and the other one seems like a random ass teenager that just seems to have an obsession with super powers and enjoying life. It is clear to you readers the truth, that this two "different people" in fact are the same, but how does Izuku balance his vigilante life while studying in one of Japan's most prestigious Hero Schools to become something different to his alter ego without revealing the slightest of hints that he's him. Follow us as this moron deals with love lives, insane opponents, a bit of depression, controlling his power passed throught generations and maybe have a struggle with his inner self about going feral. Don't question a horny teenager. Can't say much more apart from that. It'll be a mess so i cant even say what you could expect...i just had this idea 3 minutes ago.
34 parts